The COMPASS Institute supported the Social Policy Coordination Cabinet of the Presidency of the Dominican Republic as an Independent Verification Officer (AVI) for the Integrated Social Promotion and Protection Project (PIPPS) funded by the World Bank. Component 1.1 of the PIPPS provides for the transfer of conditional funds proportional to the achievement of the targets of results-based indicators, including indicators IBR-1 and IBR-4 indicating respectively the number of households incorporated in 2020 into the Social Superat program and the number of individuals affiliated to the National Subsidized Health Insurance System (SeNaSa) in 2020 as well. As part of this mandate, the AVI carried out a systematic review of the databases of the Social Grants Payroll Agency (ADESS), the Single Beneficiary System (SIUBEN), the SUPÉRATE Programme and the SeNaSa Agency in order to verify the inclusion criteria of eligible beneficiaries and determine the value of the IBR-1 and IBR-4 indicators for the year 2020.